
Paper Trip~読む紙見本~

Paper Trip - Reading Paper Samples

シラスアキコ、株式会社 竹尾による展覧会。


株式会社 竹尾が扱うファインペーパーの魅力を“言葉”で伝える展覧会を竹尾・青山見本帖にて開催しました。タイトルは「読む紙見本」。50種類の紙の風合い・色味・感触からインスピレーションを受けて、50篇のショートストーリーをシラスアキコがつづったものです。会場デザインはCOLOR。一枚一枚の紙の魅力が、物語によって新たな角度でこころに響く。想像力が湧いてくる。紙との新しい出会いを、たくさんの方々に体感していただけました。

Short story:シラスアキコ
Space Design : COLOR


April 4-May 6, 2022
Venue: Takeo Aoyama Sample Bookstore

“Reading Paper Samples” is a series of 50 short stories by Akiko Shirasu, inspired by the texture, color, and feel of 50 different types of paper. The charm of each sheet of paper resonates in new ways throughout each story, tickling your imagination as it does. The exhibition “Paper Trip – Reading Paper Samples” was held at Takeo’s Aoyama Mihoncho, and fortunately gave many visitors the chance to encounter paper in completely new ways.

Organizer: Takeo Co.
Short Story: Akiko Shirasu
Movie photography: Shinichi Masumoto
Cooperation: Ichikudo Printing House Co.

the cosmos at night, the giant moon is afloat. a row of trees is reflected in pitch-black alignment, singing together. a concert of light–it is starting, it is starting!

a gingham check dress swaying in the sun. I’ll be a minute late for the rendezvous, as I want to wait off to one corner and sneak a look at his face as he waits for me.

tiny lights gathered, spring is born

her very first day of work at the outer space office, she was given a shiny silver jumpsuit. lipstick was allowed, but only pearly could drink on the job, as long as it was champagne with delicate bubbles.this new company promises to be a unique working environment.

on the beach, the most radiantly beautiful woman came up to me, and we are eating lemon sorbet together right now. (her treat!) am I in heaven right now? I’m slightly worried…unique working environment.

a high school clique, at their usual pub.emblazoned in flashy neon, its name afloat in the city dusk.all are drinking Coca-Cola absorbed completely in pinball games.they never beg for alcohol, so the bartender allows them in.

I dove to the deepest depth of the pool and placed my hands on the bottom.I was very depressed.but let me tell you, I felt quite calm.

cloudy skies are kind at times pulling a veil over our bumpy emotions.

struggling to somehow untangle my entangled feelings, when I simply let go, saying, “Whatever will be, will be,” a wonderful destiny floated in from the other side.

time for a nice… lazy… nap…everyone in the preschool, a nice… lazy… nap…it is only I who’s staring at the patterns on the ceiling. I’ve become a princess, going to a ball. and a fine, fancy one at that.